At Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, the center of all we do is Sunday worship, a joyful event with a warm atmosphere. We hope that you will join us for liturgy, where we come together as a community to celebrate Christ through Word and Eucharist.
Sacrosanctum Concilium, a constitution arising from the Second Vatican Council, explains, "...the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the font from which all her power flows. For the aim and object of apostolic works is that all who are made sons and daughters of God by faith and baptism should come together to praise God in the midst of God's Church, to take part in the sacrifice, and to eat the Lord's supper" (#10).
Please join us as a community to worship and to "eat the Lord's supper."
Please click on the links to the left for more information.