Beginning immediately, on any day when daily Mass is scheduled at Our Lady of Sorrows, if Sharon Public Schools cancels school due to snow or other weather-related conditions, daily Mass will be canceled. Obviously, this is only for weekdays when school is in session. For other days, we will post notices on the web site and on social media.
Due to the forecast for a blizzard this weekend, the following Sunday Masses have been cancelled: 7:30am and 9am at St. Mary; 8am and 9:30am at Blessed Sacrament; 8:30am at Our Lady of Sorrows. Only the following Masses will be celebrated this Sunday: 10:45 at Our Lady of Sorrows; 11am at Blessed Sacrament; 11:30am at St. Mary. The Saturday vigil Masses will also be celebrated and all are encouraged to consider going to one of those Masses. All other activities at the churches have also been cancelled. Please be safe and take all conditions into account when deciding to travel. It is not a mortal sin to miss Mass because of unsafe travel conditions.
The following is the collaborative Mass schedule for the Feast of the Assumption, this Friday, August 15:
Blessed Sacrament: Thursday, 7pm
St. Mary's: Friday, 8am
Blessed Sacrament: Friday, 9am
Our Lady of Sorrows: Friday, 7:30pm
Join us Sunday September 14 at 10:45 a.m. to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows with a Mass at Lake Massapoag *. Bring a chair or blanket and food for a picnic. After Mass we will celebrate Susanne Osberg's retirement and six years as a Music Director.
Call us if you need a ride at 781-784-2265 ext 11.
* There will be no 8:30 a.m. liturgy that day. In case of rain we will have the regular Mass schedule of 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. at the church.
Our new Sunday Mass schedule effective Sunday, September 7th, 2014 is Saturday at 4:30 PM and Sunday at 8:30 AM, and 10:45 AM. Thank you for your understanding as we make this change.
Celebrate Holy Week - a series of events that changed the course of human history. It was a week that changed the human family forever: Jesus' betrayal, crucifixion, burial and resurrection. For more than 2,000 years, the events of this singular week have brought new life, new hope and new purpose to anyone who seeks it. Join us during Holy Week to remember Christ's purpose, passion and power - and discover anew how they can impact your life today. Click for dates and times.
Understanding that many people in the parish take advantage of the summer months to vacation and travel, we will once again consolidate our Mass schedule for the months of July and August. Instead of our usual four Masses, the parish will offer three during these months. In this way everyone who participates in one of the three Masses on the temporary schedule will be able to enjoy the full community celebration of Eucharist.
Masses for the months of July 6 through August 25 will be at 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays and at 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on Sundays. As everyone returns from their vacations, so too will our regular Mass schedule return on August 31 & September 1.