Please join us September 18, at 10:45 to celebrate Our Lady of Sorrows Annual Mass at Lake Massapoag. (There will be no other mass at the church). Bring a chair or a blanket and food for a picnic. We will provide desserts, water, and lemonade. In case of rain, we will have the regular Mass schedule 8:30 and 10:45 at the church. Please contact Monica O'Brien at or 781-784-2265 you can help to set or clean up, assist with parking, or provide desserts.
Wednesdays during the season of Advent at 7:30 p.m. in the church. Plan on giving yourself the gift of being still amidst the holiday bustle in an oasis of quiet beautiful prayer as we prepare for the Coming of the
Friday, December 11, 7:30 to 10 pm Our Lady of Sorrows Church invites all middle school students and their friends to a Middle School Christmas Party in O'Connell Hall. There will be games, gingerbread-house decorating, music, food, a Christmas movie, laughter and more! Please bring a bag of candy (for decorating the gingerbread house) to share. No RSVP required, but it would be helpful (call Teresa Coda at 781-784-2265 x 1037)
Please join us to celebrate this inspiring annual Sharon tradition. Clergy and laity from our Sharon Temples, Churches, and Islamic Center will lead us in a celebration of gratitude. The service will be followed by a reception at O'Connell Hall. Please bring a non-perishable food item for the Ilse Marks Food Pantry.
Please join us for one of OLOS' favorite annual events! In addition to having the opportunity to build an Advent wreath, some of our awesome Middle School students and parishioners will be leading craft stations for you and your family to participate in. There will also be a bake sale, and all proceeds will go to Heifer International.
Altar Servers add to the solemnity of the Mass and provide an opportunity for children to have a visible role in the parish community as they help to lead worship. It is an important avenue for our young to become involved in the spiritual life of the Church and to understand the reward of serving others and their community.To register or get more information, please contact Fabiola Aguilera at 781-784-2265 ext. 1036 or
Hear from Fr. Vinnie and the staff about their ideas for the year ahead, the current financial status of the parish and share questions, ideas and concerns as we forge our way forward. Parishioners voices and involvement are crucial to who we are as a parish.
If you are traveling this summer and won't be able to join us at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish each week, here's a helpful website to find a church near you.