Celebrate Holy Week - a series of events that changed the course of human history. It was a week that changed the human family forever: Jesus' betrayal, crucifixion, burial and resurrection. For more than 2,000 years, the events of this singular week have brought new life, new hope and new purpose to anyone who seeks it. Join us during Holy Week to remember Christ's purpose, passion and power - and discover anew how they can impact your life today. Click for dates and times.
Open to Middle School, High School and Adult parishioners.
Hunger isn't about too many people and too little food. It's about power, and its roots lie in inequalities in access to resources and opportunities. At this interactive event, the place where you sit, and the meal that you eat, are determined by the luck of the draw—just as in real life some of us are born into relative prosperity and others into poverty. At the end, all guests are invited to share their thoughts after the meal and to take action to right the wrong of poverty. To register, please click on the title.