Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is the body of teachings and values that call Catholics to do justice, love
mercy, and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8). It is rooted in the Hebrew prophets, founded
on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and based on our understanding that all lives are
endowed with inherent dignity.
Believing that CST offers valuable wisdom and guidance on how to live lives of justice and mercy, it is a priority of OLOS to weave the principles of CST into the fabric of our parish.
This discussion group will meet monthly from October through May on (generally) the second Sunday of the month from 2-3:00 p.m. via Zoom. We will use the book Catholic Social Teaching: A User's Guide to guide our conversations. Please see below for a full schedule of meetings. If you would like to sign up to receive the Zoom links for discussions, please contact Teresa Coda.
All are welcome!
October 9:
Ch. 1 What is Catholic Social Teaching
Ch. 2 Dignity-in-Solidarity
Ch. 3 Human Rights and correlative Duties
November 13:
Ch. 4 The Common Good and Justice
Ch. 5 Practical Implications of Doing Justice
Ch. 6 How Is Catholic Social Teaching Distinctly Christian
December 11:
Ch. 7 Labor and the Economy
January 8:
Ch. 8 Poverty, Racism, and Gender Bias
February 12:
Ch. 9 War and Peace
Ch. 10 Just Peacemaking
March 12:
Ch. 11 What we Owe Forced Migrants and Refugees
Ch. 12 Hospitality for Migrants
April 16 (moved back one week due to Easter):
Ch. 13 Ethics of Social Reconciliation
Ch. 14 The Role of Religion in Social Reconiciliation
May 14:
Conclusion: Living the Gospel
Appendix: A Word about Intrinsic Evil