If you are traveling this summer and won't be able to join us at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish each week, here's a helpful website to find a church near you.
Dear Friends, as we begin our new journey together, I find spiritual encouragement that we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. It is in the Eucharist that we identify the reason for our being a community. I look forward to walking this journey with you. May God bless us with His peace.
As a followup to Fr. Chip's recent appeal for assistance, we offer this detailed look at the damage caused by the snow and cold, the recovery and repair efforts, and the preventative steps taken against more damage. *UPDATED*: Information on the vendors who did the work.
Beginning immediately, on any day when daily Mass is scheduled at Our Lady of Sorrows, if Sharon Public Schools cancels school due to snow or other weather-related conditions, daily Mass will be canceled. Obviously, this is only for weekdays when school is in session. For other days, we will post notices on the web site and on social media.
Due to the forecast for a blizzard this weekend, the following Sunday Masses have been cancelled: 7:30am and 9am at St. Mary; 8am and 9:30am at Blessed Sacrament; 8:30am at Our Lady of Sorrows. Only the following Masses will be celebrated this Sunday: 10:45 at Our Lady of Sorrows; 11am at Blessed Sacrament; 11:30am at St. Mary. The Saturday vigil Masses will also be celebrated and all are encouraged to consider going to one of those Masses. All other activities at the churches have also been cancelled. Please be safe and take all conditions into account when deciding to travel. It is not a mortal sin to miss Mass because of unsafe travel conditions.
Confirmation II and Middle School Faith Formation for Sunday, Feb. 8, have been rescheduled to Feb 22. The 5pm Mass will go on as scheduled this evening.
In the past 50 years much about the Church has changed, but one thing has remained essentially the same: The collection. For some of us, that too has changed for better.
In the news this week: Religious leaders advocate for homeless affected by shelter closure; Cardinal presents Cheverus Medals for service; Archdiocese marks start of Year of Consecrated Life; Sacred and human: New Washington art exhibit shows both sides of Mary.
Altar Serving provides an opportunity for children to have a visible role in the parish community as they help to lead the worship. The ministry of Altar Serving is an important avenue for our young to become involved in the spiritual life of the Church and to understand the reward of service toward others and their community. Any boy or girl who has received his or her First Communion can became an Altar Server and the time commitment is usually once a month. Altar Server Training is Tuesday November 11, from 12:00pm- 3:30pm at Bullock Center. Ice Cream Social with “veteran” altar servers at 3:00. To register or get more information, please contact Fabiola Aguilera at 781-784-2265 ext. 11 or faguilera@olossharon.org
Five stories you need to know about today: Leftover people; feeding the hungry through loyalty cards; new American blessed; Bishop Boles; and the joy of NFP